Tuesday 16 October 2012

Book Review: There's No Humility in Art

This book of modern poetry has the weight and rhythm of some of the great black poets in American literature, such as Ntozake Shange and Allen Ginsberg. It deals with issues revolving around race,appearance, gender and politics with an up to date feel. It has a variety of poetry types, from rhymes to free verse and even some haiku's.

The poetry is interspersed with pictures, that are relevant to the poem and add another layer to the artistry. One of my favourite poems from the collection is 'Webster' which is about the power words can have over a person. It is relatable and well written, as most of the poems in the collection are.

The Wind is another poem of not in this collection, it drips with the same energy as the works of Whitman. The down to earth messages are interlaced with moments of lush words and apt emoting.

This books is definitely worth a read if you like poetry, especially poetry from Shange, Walker, Angelou and Plath. It is a refreshing take on age old issues.

 I received a complimentary copy of There's No Humility in Art as a member of the Dorrance Publishing Book Review Team.  Visit dorrancebookstore.com to learn how you can become a member of the Book Review Team.

The book is available in paperback and ebook here: http://dorrance.stores.yahoo.net/thnohuinarpo.html

xx Saoirse

Thursday 11 October 2012

Update: Tranny News!

So, I have not really written much about my actual journey through transexualism. I have been attending a gender clinic for two years now, but due to social phobias and general depressiony things, I am only on my twelfth appointment. They judge your time with them through appointments attended, so I have lost almost a year due to postponing appointments. So today I was expecting my usual session. In, talk about my life, leave. But today hormones were brought up again. My counselor is all for my getting hormone therapy, but I need to quit smoking and build up some more appointments. But all in all, this is wonderful news!

It is not fully straightforward for me, due to my age. As I am under 25 there are further stipulations. I will have to go to an endocrinologist, my counselor assures me that he is wonderful, before I get the go ahead for hormone treatment. Hormone treatment opens so many windows for me in terms of my development. I will be able to get laser hair removal on my face as well as vocal training whilst on hormones, which is a huge leap forward. Hopefully this will get me out of my stagnant funk!

Whilst on hormones, I will be doing what is referred to as RLE (Real Life Experience). This is a period where I live as my gender full time. I have been living as a female for over a year now, but I am too reclusive to be able to prove how I cope as a woman. A volunteer job was suggested, so I will be doing some research into viable volunteer jobs that I will be comfortable in, but will still let me shine.

We also discussed legally changing my name today. I have thought about it, and go by a different name, but it is time to start thinking about actually doing it! I chose the name Saoirse, because it is Irish for Freedom, and that is what living as a female, and hopefully being physically female, is for me. It is freedom.

My counselor played 'devils advocate' with me today, I hate when she does it, but I get why it is important. It is a series of hard to answer questions, such as 'how are you sure you want to be female?' It is a good way of inspecting your motives and assessing your long term goals, and will help find any doubts you may have.

The final thing is, the idea of freezing sperm came up. To enable me to have a genetic child in the future. I will be declining this. I do hope to have a child in the future, but I think adoption is more my style. There are so many children in this world that need parents, it seems stupid to bring another child into the world for the sake of 'they are genetically mine'. A mothers love is more than simple genetics.

So that is all for now! I will keep you all updated (I promise this time I will!)
